| Preprints: |
N. Milicevic, S. D. Burton, M. Wachowiak, V. Itskov
Shapley Fields Reveal Chemotopic Organization in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb Across Diverse Chemical Feature Sets.
2025. |
H. Santa Cruz Baur, V. Itskov
On the spectrum of the Hodge Laplacian on sequences.
2023. |
| Peer-reviewed publications: |
N. Milicevic, V. Itskov.
The combinatorial code and the graph rules of Dale networks.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 84(6): 2175-2544, 2024. |
K. Morrison, A. Degeratu, V. Itskov, C. Curto.
Diversity of emergent dynamics in competitive threshold-linear network.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 23(1): 855-884, 2024.
M. Wu, V. Itskov.
A Topological Approach to Inferring the Intrinsic Dimension of Convex Sensing Data.
Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 6: 127-176, 2022.
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V. Itskov, A. Kunin, Z. Rosen. Hyperplane neural codes and the polar complex.
The Abel Symposia proceedings, vol 15, pp. 343-369, 2020.
J. Cruz, C. Giusti, V. Itskov, B. Kronholm. On open and closed convex codes.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 61(2):247-270, 2019. |
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C. Giusti, E. Pastalkova, C. Curto*, V. Itskov*.
Clique topology reveals intrinsic geometric structure in neural correlations. PNAS, 112 (44):13455-13460, 2015. (*equal contribution). |
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C. Giusti, V. Itskov.
A no-go theorem for one-layer feedforward networks.
Neural Computation, 26 (11):2527-2540, 2014. |
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C. Curto, A. Degeratu, V. Itskov.
Encoding binary neural codes in networks of threshold-linear neurons.
Neural Computation, 25(11):2858-2903, 2013. |
[pdf] | C. Curto, V. Itskov, A. Veliz-Cuba, N.
The neural ring: an algebraic tool for analyzing the intrinsic structure of neural codes. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75:1571-1611, 2013. |
| C. Curto, V. Itskov, K. Morrison, Z. Roth, J.L. Walker. Combinatorial neural codes from a mathematical coding theory perspective.
Neural Computation, 25(7):1891-1925, 2013. |
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C.Curto, A. Degeratu, V. Itskov.
Flexible memory networks.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74:590-614, 2012.
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V. Itskov, D. Hansel, M. Tsodyks.
Short-term facilitation may stabilize parametric working memory
trace. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 5:1-19, 2011.
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V. Itskov*, C. Curto*, E. Pastalkova, G. Buzsaki. Cell assembly sequences arising from spike
threshold adaptation keep track of time in the hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(8), 2011. (*equal contribution)
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V. Itskov, P. Olver, F. Valiquette.
Lie completion of pseudo-groups.
Transformation Groups, 16(1):161-173, 2011.
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C. Lacefield, V. Itskov, T. Reardon, R. Hen, J. Gordon.
Effects of Adult-Generated Granule Cells on Coordinated Network Activity in the Dentate Gyrus.
Hippocampus, 22(1):106-116, 2012.
K.D. Harris, P. Bartho, P. Chadderton, C. Curto, J. de la Rocha, L. Hollender, V. Itskov, A. Luczak, S. Marguet, A.
Renart, S. Sakata.
How do neurons work together? Lessons from auditory cortex.
Hearing Research, 271(1-2), 2011.
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C. Curto, S. Sakata, S. Marguet, V. Itskov, K.D.
A simple model of cortical dynamics explains variability and state-dependence of sensory responses in urethane-anesthetized auditory cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience, 29(34), 2009.
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C. Curto*, V. Itskov*.
Cell groups reveal structure of stimulus space. PLoS Computational Biology 4(10), 2008. (*equal contribution)
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E. Pastalkova, V. Itskov , A. Amarasingham , G. Buzsaki. Internally Generated Cell Assembly Sequences in the Rat Hippocampus.
Science 321(5894):1322 - 1327, 2008.
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V. Itskov, L.F. Abbott.
Capacity of a Perceptron for Sparse Discrimination . Phys. Rev. Lett. 101(1), 2008.
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V. Itskov, E. Pastalkova, K. Mizuseki, G. Buzsaki, K.D.
Harris. Theta-mediated dynamics of spatial information in hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(23), 2008.
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V. Itskov, C. Curto, K.D. Harris. Valuations for spike train prediction. Neural Computation, 20(3), 644-667, 2008.
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V. Itskov. Orbit reduction of contact ideals. Contemporary Mathematics. vol. 285, 171-181, 2001.
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V. Itskov, M.Karasev, and Yu.Vorobjev. Infinitesimal Poisson cohomology. In "Coherent transform, quantization, and Poisson geometry". AMS Trans. Ser. 2, 187, 327-360, 1998.
| Book chapters: |
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C. Curto, V. Itskov. Combinatorial neural codes.
Book chapter to appear in the Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 2016